Support our Hailsham Hospital campaign - sign the petition today!

With a population of 25,000 and rising, Hailsham is larger than the towns of Uckfield, Crowborough, Lewes and Rye. Yet each of those smaller East Sussex towns has something that Hailsham still lacks - a community hospital.
"Our town is missing out on vital local services," says Hailsham LibDem County Council candidate Steve Murphy. "Because we don't have our own hospital, residents are forced to travel unnecessarily for their health care needs."
Over 80% of respondents to our recent town-wide survey said they wanted fewer houses built and strongly supported the creation of a new NHS community hospital with day surgery, acute care and minor injuries unit - essential and much needed services for Hailsham residents.
"Hailsham is a rapidly growing town without adequate infrastructure and local services," Steve Murphy continues. " I am calling on the Government to fulfil their promise about building 40 new hospitals and locate one of them in Hailsham. We need to stop developer greed and provide the infrastructure. We need a Community Hospital now!"
Please back the Hailsham Hospital campaign by signing our online petition.
Thank you for your support - it is much appreciated!