A brilliant Lib Dem win in Hailsham South by-election

Many congratulations to our new District Councillor Anne Blake-Coggins, who won the Hailsham South by-election on February 10th with almost 60% of the vote, a gain from the Conservatives. This means that the Lib Dems are now the official opposition on Wealden District Council, with a total of six councillors (up from zero in 2018!).
The full results for Hailsham South by-election were as follows:
LDEM: 394 - 59.7% (+30.9)
CON: 254 - 38.5% (-8.1)
SDP: 12 - 1.8% (+1.8)
No LAB (-24.7) as prev
Votes cast: 660 - 23.9% turnout
Lib Dem GAIN from Conservative !!
So close for the Town Council...
Commiserations to Darren Ridge who missed out in the Hailsham North West Town Council by-election, also held on November 10th, by just eight (8) votes! And with the next local elections just over a year away, it's definitely a case of better luck next time...

The full results for Hailsham North West by-election were as follows:
LDEM: 243
CON: 251
Conservative HOLD
Thank you to everyone who helped with both candidates' campaigns - from leaflet content and design to printing, envelope filling, leaflleting, canvassing, IT, social media - and the overall organisation, it was an incredible team effort, and we are particularly grateful to have had volunteers from other opposition parties helping too. Finally, we send huge thanks to our two great candidates, Anne and Darren.
"Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless." - Sherry Anderson